I think a lot of people losing their jobs would probably do the trick, politics-wise. For most people the crux is “willAIs will be more capable than humans”, not “mightAIs more capable than humans be dangerous”.
You know, you’re not the first person to make that argument to me recently. I admit that I find it more persuasive than I used to.
Put another way: “will AI take all the jobs” is another way of saying* “will I suddenly lose the ability to feed and protect those I love.” It’s an apocalypse in microcosm, and it’s one that doesn’t require a lot of theory to grasp.
*Yes, yes, you could imagine universal basic income or whatever. Do you think the average person is Actually Expecting to Get That ?
I think a lot of people losing their jobs would probably do the trick, politics-wise. For most people the crux is “will AIs will be more capable than humans”, not “might AIs more capable than humans be dangerous”.
You know, you’re not the first person to make that argument to me recently. I admit that I find it more persuasive than I used to.
Put another way: “will AI take all the jobs” is another way of saying* “will I suddenly lose the ability to feed and protect those I love.” It’s an apocalypse in microcosm, and it’s one that doesn’t require a lot of theory to grasp.
*Yes, yes, you could imagine universal basic income or whatever. Do you think the average person is Actually Expecting to Get That ?