Hmmm. Interesting point. I’m tempted to draw some kind of distinction between the two, as I see the “work” in this post typically as impersonal, static objectives that need to be completed whereas a relationship is a personal, dynamic entity that I’m “undergoing.” I don’t see my relationships as “tasks” or work in the sense of them having a deadline, concrete end point, etc. Perhaps if I broke relationships down into steps (e.g. “get coffee with so-and-so by x date for at least 30min)… they could be looked at like that.
If one considers relationships as “work”… then yes, I have at least one thing that I’ve been working on for a long time that doesn’t feel like work :)
Edit: I’d still be interested in the more “traditional” meaning of my question, though… has someone done some task/line of work for say 1+ years straight and been as enthralled about it as they day they started? Something like that.
Hmmm. Interesting point. I’m tempted to draw some kind of distinction between the two, as I see the “work” in this post typically as impersonal, static objectives that need to be completed whereas a relationship is a personal, dynamic entity that I’m “undergoing.” I don’t see my relationships as “tasks” or work in the sense of them having a deadline, concrete end point, etc. Perhaps if I broke relationships down into steps (e.g. “get coffee with so-and-so by x date for at least 30min)… they could be looked at like that.
If one considers relationships as “work”… then yes, I have at least one thing that I’ve been working on for a long time that doesn’t feel like work :)
Edit: I’d still be interested in the more “traditional” meaning of my question, though… has someone done some task/line of work for say 1+ years straight and been as enthralled about it as they day they started? Something like that.