It looks like the Article Navigation only works on the main page, though, and not in the discussion section. The links all take me to posts on the main page, and the sequence_reruns buttons are grayed out since the only posts with that tag are in the discussion section.
Well, perhaps this answers Yvain’s question on the thread above: if we link to the original post, instead of quoting it, then its “next” buttons will work….
There is a next button… but you have to click Article Navigation to find it. It’ll take you to the next post in each tag.
Hmm, that should probably be made more prominent and easier to find.
Well, how embarrassing. Ten months of lurking and I still hadn’t noticed that for myself. Thank you!
It was introduced quietly and it’s not very well telegraphed.
Thanks! I hadn’t known about that.
It looks like the Article Navigation only works on the main page, though, and not in the discussion section. The links all take me to posts on the main page, and the sequence_reruns buttons are grayed out since the only posts with that tag are in the discussion section.
Oh dear. I’m sorry, I should probably have tried it on the rerun tag before commenting.
Well, perhaps this answers Yvain’s question on the thread above: if we link to the original post, instead of quoting it, then its “next” buttons will work….
Blagh, you just revolutionized my sequences reading experience. Amazing! I’ve had the exact same problem. Many thanks!