Shop for Charity: how to earn proven charities 5% of your Amazon spending in commission

If you shop on Amazon in the countries listed below, you can earn a substantial commission for charity by doing so via the links below. This is a cost-free way to do a lot of good, so I’d encourage you to do so! You can bookmark one of the direct links to Amazon below and then use that bookmark every time you shop.

The commission will be at least 5%, varying by product category. This is substantially better than the AmazonSmile scheme available in the US, which only gives 0.5% of the money you spend to charity. It works through Amazon’s ‘Associates Program’, which pays this commission for referring purchasers to them, from the unaltered purchase price (details here). It doesn’t cost the purchaser anything. The money goes to Associates Program accounts owned by the EA non-profit Charity Science, money to which always gets regranted to GiveWell-recommended charities unless explicitly earmarked otherwise. For ease of administration and to get tax-deductibility, commission will get regranted to the Schistosomiasis Control Initiative until further notice.

If you’d like to shop for charity, please bookmark the appropriate link below now:

From now through November 28: Black Friday Deals Week

Amazon’s biggest cut price sale is this week. The links below take you to currently available deals:

I’ll add other links on the main ‘Shop for Charity’ page later. I’d love to hear suggestions for good commission schemes in other countries. If you’d like to share these links with friends and family, please point them to this post or even better this project’s main page.

Happy shopping!

‘Shop for Charity’ is a Charity Science project