Additionally a psychopaths might be more likely to leave a woman with a child alone to seek a new woman.
I forget whether any of the studies in the Handbook dealt with it, but at least in The Mask of Sanity, it’s really striking how many of the case-studies involve multiple marriages (between divorces, bigamy, and… trigamy & quadgamy, I guess the words would be), children, and desertion. One doubts there is much selection pressure on the subjects, even though they are the ones sufficiently uncontrolled as to land in psychiatric treatment.
Unfortunately many psychopaths can conceal their true nature. There recent research that they might even be more attractive to the other sex:
Additionally a psychopaths might be more likely to leave a woman with a child alone to seek a new woman.
I forget whether any of the studies in the Handbook dealt with it, but at least in The Mask of Sanity, it’s really striking how many of the case-studies involve multiple marriages (between divorces, bigamy, and… trigamy & quadgamy, I guess the words would be), children, and desertion. One doubts there is much selection pressure on the subjects, even though they are the ones sufficiently uncontrolled as to land in psychiatric treatment.