8 out of 10, and one of the ones I got wrong was the blue whale one, where I undershot by a tiny margin (if I had given my value in metric tons, I would have been right, but I know I meant short tons.)
I would have gotten about half of them wrong, but then I looked over them and realized I was leaning too heavily on an expectation of actual knowledge, and if I didn’t actually know the answers with any precision, I should just be providing myself with vast margins of error.
8 out of 10, and one of the ones I got wrong was the blue whale one, where I undershot by a tiny margin (if I had given my value in metric tons, I would have been right, but I know I meant short tons.)
I would have gotten about half of them wrong, but then I looked over them and realized I was leaning too heavily on an expectation of actual knowledge, and if I didn’t actually know the answers with any precision, I should just be providing myself with vast margins of error.