I got area of Asia wrong in an interesting way. My estimated area of Asia to area of Earth was correct. My estimated area of Earth was wrong because I misremembered the formula for computing sphere surface from sphere diameter.
I got Pacific very wrong by essentially estimating length of extremely smoothed coastline, not real one.
Both were clear cases of overconfidence.
Things I was fully aware I knew very little about like Great Lakes or numbers of books published, I gave suitably wide ranges, and hit both correctly.
8 out of 10.
I got area of Asia wrong in an interesting way. My estimated area of Asia to area of Earth was correct. My estimated area of Earth was wrong because I misremembered the formula for computing sphere surface from sphere diameter.
I got Pacific very wrong by essentially estimating length of extremely smoothed coastline, not real one.
Both were clear cases of overconfidence.
Things I was fully aware I knew very little about like Great Lakes or numbers of books published, I gave suitably wide ranges, and hit both correctly.