To me microCOVID’s defaults seem close enough to the truth that the ideal version you describe wouldn’t provide too much marginal value.
Especially since, at least to me, the value is mostly in knowing what activities I will/won’t do rather than nailing down the precise number of microCOVIDs. Eg. knowing that eating at a restaurant inside is 8,500 microCOVIDs instead of 10,000 wouldn’t be enough to get me to eat at a restaurant inside, so it doesn’t really matter to me whether the real number is 8,500 or 10,000. However, given the wide confidence intervals, maybe this point doesn’t have too much weight.
To me microCOVID’s defaults seem close enough to the truth that the ideal version you describe wouldn’t provide too much marginal value.
Especially since, at least to me, the value is mostly in knowing what activities I will/won’t do rather than nailing down the precise number of microCOVIDs. Eg. knowing that eating at a restaurant inside is 8,500 microCOVIDs instead of 10,000 wouldn’t be enough to get me to eat at a restaurant inside, so it doesn’t really matter to me whether the real number is 8,500 or 10,000. However, given the wide confidence intervals, maybe this point doesn’t have too much weight.