I think the tops of the cubes in the 3D picture look brighter because of the “shadow”. Your visual system is imagining a light source coming from the upper right. There’s no such effect in the 2D picture.
Yes, I think this is part of what is happening. I also think my perception of less apparent ‘yellowness’ in the grey tiles in the non-3D version is due to there being fewer cues to lead the visual system to conclude that there is a blue light illuminating the scene.
I think the tops of the cubes in the 3D picture look brighter because of the “shadow”. Your visual system is imagining a light source coming from the upper right. There’s no such effect in the 2D picture.
Yes, I think this is part of what is happening. I also think my perception of less apparent ‘yellowness’ in the grey tiles in the non-3D version is due to there being fewer cues to lead the visual system to conclude that there is a blue light illuminating the scene.