Debts usually aren’t inherited What’s stopping dying effective altruists who are okay with this taking out loans beyond what could be seized from their estate after the creditors call, and laundering it through the newest altcoin then funneling that into effective charities before they die? Heck, what’s to stop loads of Australian EA’s inviting foreign EA’s from developing countries with very low earning potential to get Australian citizenship then making sure they apply to collect their Youth Allowance of whatever every fortnight to donate! Once my stock holdings rise about their original purchase price, I’m going to sell them. They might be interpreted as a conlifct of interest if I ever get into a public position. But I can donate that, or I could raise enough to get someone in on a work visa instead!
Debts usually aren’t inherited What’s stopping dying effective altruists who are okay with this taking out loans beyond what could be seized from their estate after the creditors call, and laundering it through the newest altcoin then funneling that into effective charities before they die? Heck, what’s to stop loads of Australian EA’s inviting foreign EA’s from developing countries with very low earning potential to get Australian citizenship then making sure they apply to collect their Youth Allowance of whatever every fortnight to donate! Once my stock holdings rise about their original purchase price, I’m going to sell them. They might be interpreted as a conlifct of interest if I ever get into a public position. But I can donate that, or I could raise enough to get someone in on a work visa instead!