Ok- folding a fitted sheet is really fucking hard! I don’t think that deserves to be on that list, since it really makes no difference whatsoever in life whether or not you properly fold a fitted sheet, or just kinda bundle it up and stuff it away. Not being able to deposit a check, mail a letter, or read a bus schedule, on the other hand can get you in trouble when you actually need to. Here’s to not caring about linen care!
I’m glad I can actually answer something! This is how I do it and it works really well:
reverse the cover so it’s inside out.
stand with it’s opening facing you, reach into it and grab the far corners, from the INSIDE. If it’s hard to find them, simply let the edges (from the inside) guide your hands all the way to the ends.
Now using your two hands (which are already holding two corners of the cover from the insides), grab two corners of the duvet
Now this is the fun part: Lift the duvet, so the cover falls all around it. This is like reversing a bag when you pick up dogpoop.
release the corners and you’re done. (you may need to adjust things a bit if it isn’t prefect)
I try to grab the far corners from the inside and sort of WHOOSH the cover over the duvet. I get tangled up in it! And I can never quite find the opposite corners! And I can never quite pull off that magical get-it-to-turn-itself-inside-out WHOOSH and suddenly it’s done! Perfectly!
If I knew what I was doing wrong I would know how to do it right …
It’s still hard to tell what exactly you’re doing, but I’ll try to spell out how I do it.
Lay the duvet flat on the bed with the top edge towards you, and then lay the inside-out cover flat on top of it with the opening towards you.
Stick your arms into the cover up to your elbows and grab the sides of the cover from the inside. Hold on to the sides and pull your arms most of the way back out, gathering the fabric towards you. Keep going until you can reach the corners.
Holding the corners from the inside, bring your hands up to shoulder height and shake them slightly until most of the fabric is draped around your elbows.
Grab two corners of the duvet through the cover. Still holding the corners, pull your hands together, gathering the duvet between them. Pull the whole edge of the duvet through the cover opening.
Lift your arms over your head, then shake them slightly as you move them apart, keeping them over your head. The cover should drop partway over the duvet.
Ok- folding a fitted sheet is really fucking hard! I don’t think that deserves to be on that list, since it really makes no difference whatsoever in life whether or not you properly fold a fitted sheet, or just kinda bundle it up and stuff it away. Not being able to deposit a check, mail a letter, or read a bus schedule, on the other hand can get you in trouble when you actually need to. Here’s to not caring about linen care!
Here is a YouTube video (496,000 views, time 2:26) demonstrating how to fold a fitted sheet.
Arg! Not that it mattered, but how on Earth did I never just realize to put the corners inside like that instead of trying to hold them together?
I want to know how to put a cover on a duvet (doona, quilt) without feeling like I’m going to pop a vertebra.
I’m glad I can actually answer something!
This is how I do it and it works really well:
reverse the cover so it’s inside out.
stand with it’s opening facing you, reach into it and grab the far corners, from the INSIDE. If it’s hard to find them, simply let the edges (from the inside) guide your hands all the way to the ends.
Now using your two hands (which are already holding two corners of the cover from the insides), grab two corners of the duvet
Now this is the fun part: Lift the duvet, so the cover falls all around it. This is like reversing a bag when you pick up dogpoop.
release the corners and you’re done. (you may need to adjust things a bit if it isn’t prefect)
Thank you! That’s more or less what I think I’m trying to do … so I’m just not doing it well enough or something, or something.
Could you be more specific about what goes wrong?
I try to grab the far corners from the inside and sort of WHOOSH the cover over the duvet. I get tangled up in it! And I can never quite find the opposite corners! And I can never quite pull off that magical get-it-to-turn-itself-inside-out WHOOSH and suddenly it’s done! Perfectly!
If I knew what I was doing wrong I would know how to do it right …
It’s still hard to tell what exactly you’re doing, but I’ll try to spell out how I do it.
Lay the duvet flat on the bed with the top edge towards you, and then lay the inside-out cover flat on top of it with the opening towards you.
Stick your arms into the cover up to your elbows and grab the sides of the cover from the inside. Hold on to the sides and pull your arms most of the way back out, gathering the fabric towards you. Keep going until you can reach the corners.
Holding the corners from the inside, bring your hands up to shoulder height and shake them slightly until most of the fabric is draped around your elbows.
Grab two corners of the duvet through the cover. Still holding the corners, pull your hands together, gathering the duvet between them. Pull the whole edge of the duvet through the cover opening.
Lift your arms over your head, then shake them slightly as you move them apart, keeping them over your head. The cover should drop partway over the duvet.
Forcefully bring your arms down. WOOSH!