I had the same confusion, and interpreted it as: he’s just exceptionally un-athletic by nature—that there’s no rationality failure. Perhaps he has a little less willingness to overcome all obstacles than I’d expect, but then again, living slightly longer (debatable) or looking trim aren’t as important a prize as saving the world.
Yea, that’s one possibility, but my prior for it is pretty low. There does seem to be some evidence in that direction, but my meta uncertainty is to great to really say in which direction I’m leaning.
I had the same confusion, and interpreted it as: he’s just exceptionally un-athletic by nature—that there’s no rationality failure. Perhaps he has a little less willingness to overcome all obstacles than I’d expect, but then again, living slightly longer (debatable) or looking trim aren’t as important a prize as saving the world.
Yea, that’s one possibility, but my prior for it is pretty low. There does seem to be some evidence in that direction, but my meta uncertainty is to great to really say in which direction I’m leaning.