Also, it’s not great if a failed html attempt shows up, but it’s no disaster—this site doesn’t have preview for comments, and I expect I’m not the only one who might take a comment through several edits before it’s probably cleaned up.
In any case, comments here use Markdown (most common features are non-obviously available from the Help link on the lower right of the comment box), not html.
I don’t have a complete grasp of how to format posts, but there’s an html tag at the top, so you can just write them in html.
Also, it’s not great if a failed html attempt shows up, but it’s no disaster—this site doesn’t have preview for comments, and I expect I’m not the only one who might take a comment through several edits before it’s probably cleaned up.
In any case, comments here use Markdown (most common features are non-obviously available from the Help link on the lower right of the comment box), not html.
I don’t have a complete grasp of how to format posts, but there’s an html tag at the top, so you can just write them in html.