At the least, that advice presents a reasonably positive strategy, which is appreciated. My attempts to be realistic about this issue are certainly prone to drifting into the sort of pessimism that comes from spending my entire undergraduate career single.
Your situation is harder than the norm, it’s true, but it’s not impossible. There are atheist women out there, and you’ll meet them if you’re diligent about being social. It may just take you a little longer. I wish you luck!
At the least, that advice presents a reasonably positive strategy, which is appreciated. My attempts to be realistic about this issue are certainly prone to drifting into the sort of pessimism that comes from spending my entire undergraduate career single.
Your situation is harder than the norm, it’s true, but it’s not impossible. There are atheist women out there, and you’ll meet them if you’re diligent about being social. It may just take you a little longer. I wish you luck!