Qualia is not a full explanation as of yet, you can think of it as a philosophical problem. There are many arguments to believe in the existence of qualia. It might be possible to show all of them to be false, in fact Dennet has attempted this. After you’ve shown them all to be false, it’s okay to say “qualia doesn’t exist”. However, it’s irrational to claim that since the concept/problem of qualia doesn’t predict anything, qualia therefore doesn’t exist.
However, it’s irrational to claim that since the concept/problem of qualia doesn’t predict anything, qualia therefore doesn’t exist.
Nope. It’s irrational to claim that qualia does exist when the hypothesis that qualia exists does not entail any predictions. I am not aware of any good arguments in favor of the existence of qualia, and already have a good reason to reject the hypothesis that it exists.
Qualia is not a full explanation as of yet, you can think of it as a philosophical problem. There are many arguments to believe in the existence of qualia. It might be possible to show all of them to be false, in fact Dennet has attempted this. After you’ve shown them all to be false, it’s okay to say “qualia doesn’t exist”. However, it’s irrational to claim that since the concept/problem of qualia doesn’t predict anything, qualia therefore doesn’t exist.
Nope. It’s irrational to claim that qualia does exist when the hypothesis that qualia exists does not entail any predictions. I am not aware of any good arguments in favor of the existence of qualia, and already have a good reason to reject the hypothesis that it exists.