For anyone who saw this Debate feature announcement and would also be keen to participate in a lesswrong 1-1 debate, or dialogue, or be interviewed about some idea or opinion of yours—I made a LessWrong dialogue matchmaking form. Fill it in, and I might be able to find you a match!
I think this might be helpful if you have something you haven’t written up as a self-standing post, but where you suspect the interactive format might be more promising for helping you get the ideas out
For anyone who saw this Debate feature announcement and would also be keen to participate in a lesswrong 1-1 debate, or dialogue, or be interviewed about some idea or opinion of yours—I made a LessWrong dialogue matchmaking form. Fill it in, and I might be able to find you a match!
I think this might be helpful if you have something you haven’t written up as a self-standing post, but where you suspect the interactive format might be more promising for helping you get the ideas out