You come across as very intelligent when you stick to your areas of expertise, like probability theory, AI and cognitive biases, but some of your more tangential stuff can seem a little naive. Compared to the other major poster on this blog, Robin, I’d say you come across as smarter but less “wise”, if that means anything to you. I’m not even a huge fan of the notion of “wisdom”, but if there’s something you’re missing, I think that’s it.
You come across as very intelligent when you stick to your areas of expertise, like probability theory, AI and cognitive biases, but some of your more tangential stuff can seem a little naive. Compared to the other major poster on this blog, Robin, I’d say you come across as smarter but less “wise”, if that means anything to you. I’m not even a huge fan of the notion of “wisdom”, but if there’s something you’re missing, I think that’s it.