The KJV has been rejected in most Christian apologetic circles as a fatally flawed translation. Personally, I would not use it all when talking to apologetics unless they specifically state that it is a valid and unerring translation. Again, if you are curious about why this is I can elaborate.
KJV is still very popular with some churches. I am familiar with its flaws. Many conservatives are highly suspicious of the NIV translation, because its translators ranked verses by their probability of being original, which implies that the Bible is no longer inerrant.
KJV is still very popular with some churches. I am familiar with its flaws. Many conservatives are highly suspicious of the NIV translation, because its translators ranked verses by their probability of being original, which implies that the Bible is no longer inerrant.
They are a minority and getting smaller. You will not be persuading anyone from those churches anyway.
Edit: I agree with you that it sounds grander, though. :)
<- is from one of those churches.