I think this post covers a lot of “overcoming bias” in total. To pick on thought completions:
But the Great Stories in their current forms have already been told, over and over. I do not think it ill if some of them should change their forms, or diversify their endings.
Paraphrased completed thought: “I can, and I should, change, because I should, and I can.”
“And they lived happily ever after” seems worth trying at least once.
Paraphrased completed thought: “An enumeration of possibilities completes me.”
With more than six billion of us at the last count, does Jupiter really need to be on the list of potential protagonists?
Paraphrased completed thought: “A metaphorical approximation is beneath me.”
I think this post covers a lot of “overcoming bias” in total. To pick on thought completions:
Paraphrased completed thought: “I can, and I should, change, because I should, and I can.”
Paraphrased completed thought: “An enumeration of possibilities completes me.”
Paraphrased completed thought: “A metaphorical approximation is beneath me.”
So, let’s see.
You wanna play “God”?
Fine. Good luck.