Edit: markdown is such a PITA. Is there a proper way to do lists with sub-lists?
A space before the asterices that you wish to make into the nested list. Probably looks better if one of the levels is of a different kind. The lesswrong stylesheet does not appear to include different bullet point formatting based on nest level.
A space before the asterices that you wish to make into the nested list. Probably looks better if one of the levels is of a different kind. The lesswrong stylesheet does not appear to include different bullet point formatting based on nest level.
For example:
Yep, space in front per level. Thank you!
If in doubt in Markdown, it’s worth consulting either http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#list or http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html#nested-lists
Or do as I did: