I like playing poker for fun with friends, but I decided I want to be good at it. I also like learning to code. So far I have completed the codecademy python track.
I am building, without a doubt, a crappy poker oracle (not a bot) in the hopes that it will help me learn poker and code at the same time. The plan is to have my poker oracle be a net winner with the current group I play with. I think I will divide up the program in to segments – preflop, flop, ect. My inputs would consider things like position, player ranges, and equity among other inputs.
Since starting this project I have become much more knowledgeable about poker theory that I now pretty much cringe at how bad I was playing. The coding however has a steeper learning curve but I think I can at least manage the fold/call/raise coding for the preflop segment of my oracle.
I like playing poker for fun with friends, but I decided I want to be good at it. I also like learning to code. So far I have completed the codecademy python track.
I am building, without a doubt, a crappy poker oracle (not a bot) in the hopes that it will help me learn poker and code at the same time. The plan is to have my poker oracle be a net winner with the current group I play with. I think I will divide up the program in to segments – preflop, flop, ect. My inputs would consider things like position, player ranges, and equity among other inputs.
Since starting this project I have become much more knowledgeable about poker theory that I now pretty much cringe at how bad I was playing. The coding however has a steeper learning curve but I think I can at least manage the fold/call/raise coding for the preflop segment of my oracle.