In your previous post, you seemed to imply (and I apologize if that was not the case) that it was either “I require exclusiveness out of a selfish desire to be the sole reason of your happiness” or “since I love you, the most important thing is your happiness, and I will ignore any discomfort any of your actions might cause me”.
Your apology is accepted, and I in turn apologize for having miscommunicated.
The two unreasonable extremes you describe correspond to desired partner-happiness correlations of 1 and 0, respectively. Your DPHC is apparently higher than Alicorn’s, the latter having been deliberately lowered by a process described above; I was trying to explicitly quantify those values.
Your apology is accepted, and I in turn apologize for having miscommunicated.
The two unreasonable extremes you describe correspond to desired partner-happiness correlations of 1 and 0, respectively. Your DPHC is apparently higher than Alicorn’s, the latter having been deliberately lowered by a process described above; I was trying to explicitly quantify those values.