The concern that I have heard literally zero people mention is that closing the schools will prevent children from learning.
I don’t know if a counterexample from Finland will count as one for your purposes, but for what it’s worth, a notable Finnish politician wrote yesterday:
Jos näillä tiedoilla joutuisin päättämään, en sulkisi kouluja, koska lyhytaikainen sulkeminen ei hyödytä mitään ja pitkäaikainen vaarantaa lasten oppimisen. Puoli vuotta lyhempi peruskoulu? Ihan oikeasti?
Which roughly translates as:
If I had to make the decision given what we currently know, I wouldn’t close the schools. A short-term closure wouldn’t bring any benefit, and a long-term closure would endanger the children’s learning. Making elementary school half a year shorter? Are you kidding me?
I don’t know if a counterexample from Finland will count as one for your purposes, but for what it’s worth, a notable Finnish politician wrote yesterday:
Which roughly translates as: