Here’s one: it turns out that ascribing consistent identity to nominal entities is a side-effect of one of the most easily constructed implementations of “predict the behavior of my environment.” Predicting the behavior of my environment is enormously useful, so the first mutant to construct this implementation had a huge advantage. Pretty soon everyone was doing it, and competing for who could do it best, and we had foreclosed the evolutionary paths that allowed environmental prediction without identity-ascribing. So the selection pressure for environmental prediction also produced (as an incidental side-effect) selection pressure for identity-ascribing, despite the identity-ascribing itself being basically useless, and here we are.
I have no idea if that story is true or not; I’m not sure what I’d expect to see differentially were it true or false. My point is more that I’m skeptical of “why would our brains do this if it weren’t a useful thing to do?” as a reason for believing that everything my brain does is useful.
Evo-psych just-so stories are cheap.
Here’s one: it turns out that ascribing consistent identity to nominal entities is a side-effect of one of the most easily constructed implementations of “predict the behavior of my environment.” Predicting the behavior of my environment is enormously useful, so the first mutant to construct this implementation had a huge advantage. Pretty soon everyone was doing it, and competing for who could do it best, and we had foreclosed the evolutionary paths that allowed environmental prediction without identity-ascribing. So the selection pressure for environmental prediction also produced (as an incidental side-effect) selection pressure for identity-ascribing, despite the identity-ascribing itself being basically useless, and here we are.
I have no idea if that story is true or not; I’m not sure what I’d expect to see differentially were it true or false. My point is more that I’m skeptical of “why would our brains do this if it weren’t a useful thing to do?” as a reason for believing that everything my brain does is useful.