Sometimes it feels like everyone’s / being a dick. But they’re not, / it’s just you being a dick to every one. Some days it seems like nothing / works right. But its fine, / you’re probably using it wrong.
You wanna change the world you better / start with yourself. Charity starts at home in the / skin you’re in. I’m not saying you should go and / change your face. But if it bothers you that much / you should get a nose job.
I’m talking about what lies beneath / the black and white There’s a mass of gray, it is called your brain.
Sometimes it feels like everyone’s / being a dick.
But they’re not, / it’s just you being a dick to every one.
A nice ideal. It’d be better world than this one if it were true.
Sometimes if it feels like everyone’s being a dick it is actually because you are being not enough of a dick to everyone (at times when you ought to). Ever been to high school? Or, you know, interacted significantly with humans. Or even studied rudimentary game theory with which to establish priors for the likely behaviour of other agents conditional on your own.
The world is not fair. Reject the Just World fallacy.
Some days it seems like nothing / works right.
But its fine, / you’re probably using it wrong.
Sometimes things don’t work because you chose bad things (or people) to work with. If something isn’t working either do it differently or do something else entirely that is better.
Personal responsibility is great, and rejecting ‘victim’ thinking is beneficial. But self delusion is not required and is not (always) beneficial.
Imani Coppola
A nice ideal. It’d be better world than this one if it were true.
Sometimes if it feels like everyone’s being a dick it is actually because you are being not enough of a dick to everyone (at times when you ought to). Ever been to high school? Or, you know, interacted significantly with humans. Or even studied rudimentary game theory with which to establish priors for the likely behaviour of other agents conditional on your own.
The world is not fair. Reject the Just World fallacy.
Sometimes things don’t work because you chose bad things (or people) to work with. If something isn’t working either do it differently or do something else entirely that is better.
Personal responsibility is great, and rejecting ‘victim’ thinking is beneficial. But self delusion is not required and is not (always) beneficial.