Nobody is proposing building an AI that can’t recognize a con-man. Even if in all practical cases putative Omegas will be con-men, this is still an edge case for the decision theory, and an algorithm that might be determining the future of the entire universe should not break down on edge cases.
I have seen numerous statements of Newcomb’s problem where it is stated “Omega got the answer right 100 out of 100 times before.” That is PATHETIC evidence to support Omega not being a con man and that is not a prior, that is post. So if there is a valuable edge case here (and I’m not sure there is), it has been left implicit until now.
Nobody is proposing building an AI that can’t recognize a con-man. Even if in all practical cases putative Omegas will be con-men, this is still an edge case for the decision theory, and an algorithm that might be determining the future of the entire universe should not break down on edge cases.
I have seen numerous statements of Newcomb’s problem where it is stated “Omega got the answer right 100 out of 100 times before.” That is PATHETIC evidence to support Omega not being a con man and that is not a prior, that is post. So if there is a valuable edge case here (and I’m not sure there is), it has been left implicit until now.