The expert preppers I know emphasize that prepping for potential disaster is usually treated as an individual-level or family-level activity, but often the best strategies involve more community-level networking, such as getting to know your neighbors, understanding local ‘affordances’ (water, food, shelter, weapons, experts), and thinking about who your best local allies and clan-mates will be if things get rough.
We evolved to survive in small clans nested within larger tribes, rather than as individual super-preppers. So, my advice would be, figure out who the most useful 6-10 people would be who live near you, and start establishing some communication, trust, and contingency plans with them.
The expert preppers I know emphasize that prepping for potential disaster is usually treated as an individual-level or family-level activity, but often the best strategies involve more community-level networking, such as getting to know your neighbors, understanding local ‘affordances’ (water, food, shelter, weapons, experts), and thinking about who your best local allies and clan-mates will be if things get rough.
We evolved to survive in small clans nested within larger tribes, rather than as individual super-preppers. So, my advice would be, figure out who the most useful 6-10 people would be who live near you, and start establishing some communication, trust, and contingency plans with them.