I suggest decoupling “modeling” and “optimization” from “world.” In fact, what does “world” even mean there? Usecase in mind: An “equilibria” tag for posts about modeling and understanding equilibria and posts about changing (optimizing) them. Currently this needs two new tags, but with decouplement it would be just one.
Other tags:
recommendations: posts where the author recommends something to others. (Like the “Connected papers” post)
recommendation-aggregation: posts where the author asks for recommendations. (Like the “best textbooks” post.)
transient: For posts whose relevance is highly time sensitive. A lot of covid posts fall under this, for example. This can help people avoid reading stale posts in the future. Ideally, we want a system where we can filter out transient posts from X time ago.
controversial: These posts should be shown only to users with some karma threshold.
platitude: posts whose content is not novel but the message merits repetition.
empirical: posts that analyze empirical data. A lot of SSC’s posts fall under this category.
technical-math: posts that require mathematical maturity to understand (i.e., beyond a good high school math foundation)
technical-cs: posts that require familiarity with CS and programming to understand.
help-needed: posts that need some help to accomplish their objective. E.g., someone has a good software idea but needs help in implementing it. The tag is used a lot on Github, but I think it can be used for things other than software, too.
I suggest decoupling “modeling” and “optimization” from “world.” In fact, what does “world” even mean there? Usecase in mind: An “equilibria” tag for posts about modeling and understanding equilibria and posts about changing (optimizing) them. Currently this needs two new tags, but with decouplement it would be just one.
Other tags:
recommendations: posts where the author recommends something to others. (Like the “Connected papers” post)
recommendation-aggregation: posts where the author asks for recommendations. (Like the “best textbooks” post.)
transient: For posts whose relevance is highly time sensitive. A lot of covid posts fall under this, for example. This can help people avoid reading stale posts in the future. Ideally, we want a system where we can filter out transient posts from X time ago.
controversial: These posts should be shown only to users with some karma threshold.
platitude: posts whose content is not novel but the message merits repetition.
empirical: posts that analyze empirical data. A lot of SSC’s posts fall under this category.
technical-math: posts that require mathematical maturity to understand (i.e., beyond a good high school math foundation)
technical-cs: posts that require familiarity with CS and programming to understand.
help-needed: posts that need some help to accomplish their objective. E.g., someone has a good software idea but needs help in implementing it. The tag is used a lot on Github, but I think it can be used for things other than software, too.