If I’m counting the replies correctly, nine respondents requested them so far. I’d like my word values. Thank you!
political → 28.733power → 27.093moldbug → 26.135structural → 24.192he → 24.082reactionary → 23.480blog → 21.973good → 21.373social → 20.470his → 20.470very → 20.169
Your contribution is ~167kB.
If I’m counting the replies correctly, nine respondents requested them so far. I’d like my word values. Thank you!
political → 28.733
power → 27.093
moldbug → 26.135
structural → 24.192
he → 24.082
reactionary → 23.480
blog → 21.973
good → 21.373
social → 20.470
his → 20.470
very → 20.169
Your contribution is ~167kB.