That’s an interesting comparison, but I’m selling my soul, and it looks like he was just selling his time:
Mehta, an atheist, once held an unusual auction on eBay: the highest bidder could send Mehta to a church of his or her choice. The winner, who paid $504, asked Mehta to attend numerous churches, and this book comprises Mehta’s responses to 15 worshipping communities, including such prominent megachurches as Houston’s Second Baptist, Ted Haggard’s New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colo., and Willow Creek in suburban Chicago.
One person who did this years ago spun the event into a book, a popular blog, and endless speaking gigs.
That’s an interesting comparison, but I’m selling my soul, and it looks like he was just selling his time:
Oh right, I was misremembering what he did.