Cool! This (judging the relevance of words in documents in a corpus and analogous problems) is a subject I muse about sometimes. Thanks for introducing me to TF-IDF.
I’d like my top scoring words please.
comte → 17.852m1 → 12.664grumble → 9.813altruism → 8.787rotating → 8.442olive → 8.150comtes → 8.025m → 7.383workshop → 7.157egoistic → 6.916happiness → 6.475
Your contribution comprises ~21kB of plain text.
Cool! This (judging the relevance of words in documents in a corpus and analogous problems) is a subject I muse about sometimes. Thanks for introducing me to TF-IDF.
I’d like my top scoring words please.
comte → 17.852
m1 → 12.664
grumble → 9.813
altruism → 8.787
rotating → 8.442
olive → 8.150
comtes → 8.025
m → 7.383
workshop → 7.157
egoistic → 6.916
happiness → 6.475
Your contribution comprises ~21kB of plain text.