I’ve just fixed a bug in my scraper that was causing it to abandon 25% of the corpus. This has ended up tripling your contribution. Some new values for you:
This retains a similar “flavour” to the previous set, (AGI and ev-psych). The best way I’ve found to interpret it is “what sort of words describe what I use Less Wrong to talk about?”
As an interesting side-note, rot13 really messes with TF-IDF.
“The document” is my wild sample that I’ve gone out and caught. TF-IDF tells me what it’s broadly about. For this purpose, quoted text provides useful information.
If I want to infer personal facts about the author (beyond “what are the key terms in the posts they write”), it would make sense to weight original text higher than quoted text, but it would also make sense to use something other than TF-IDF for that purpose.
I’ve just fixed a bug in my scraper that was causing it to abandon 25% of the corpus. This has ended up tripling your contribution. Some new values for you:
agi → 37.328
intelligence → 22.367
moral → 21.010
agis → 20.087
eea → 18.647
takeoff → 17.500
credences → 17.108
machine → 16.902
our → 16.222
environments → 15.919
deer → 15.761
This retains a similar “flavour” to the previous set, (AGI and ev-psych). The best way I’ve found to interpret it is “what sort of words describe what I use Less Wrong to talk about?”
As an interesting side-note, rot13 really messes with TF-IDF.
Okay, that feels like it makes more sense. I’m a little confused about the “deer”, though.
Blame this comment.
Hah, okay.
You’re not distinguishing original from quoted text, then?
It’s not obvious to me that I should. TF-IDF is about identifying key terms in a document. Quoted text counts towards that.
That depends on what “the document” is. Everything appearing in a posting by a given author, or all of the text written by a given author?
“The document” is my wild sample that I’ve gone out and caught. TF-IDF tells me what it’s broadly about. For this purpose, quoted text provides useful information.
If I want to infer personal facts about the author (beyond “what are the key terms in the posts they write”), it would make sense to weight original text higher than quoted text, but it would also make sense to use something other than TF-IDF for that purpose.