I think it’s more that there seems to be a cluster that will vocally declare anything that is short of the clinical definition of PTSD trigger, to be completely invalid morally. IE there is no moral value or obligation to markup our language with these warnings and it is completely the responsibility of others to toughen up and handle it.
This is in opposition to the viewpoint of side two who argue that we should invest effort to create more pleasant and safer environments.
Hence side 2 and 3 argue different moral claims while side 1 associates the term without considering moral obligations in the use of language.
I think it’s more that there seems to be a cluster that will vocally declare anything that is short of the clinical definition of PTSD trigger, to be completely invalid morally. IE there is no moral value or obligation to markup our language with these warnings and it is completely the responsibility of others to toughen up and handle it.
This is in opposition to the viewpoint of side two who argue that we should invest effort to create more pleasant and safer environments.
Hence side 2 and 3 argue different moral claims while side 1 associates the term without considering moral obligations in the use of language.