If giving them money goes along with putting them in prison for a substantial term, then I’m not sure there are severe bad incentives here. In any case, what bortels mostly has in mind is indirect financial incentives: trying to ensure that ex-convicts are able to get decent jobs. (Which should go along with trying to ensure that other people are able to get decent jobs, too.)
Exactly. Having a guaranteed low-but-livable-income job as a reward for serving time and not going back is hardly a career path people will aim for—but might be attractive to someone who is out but sees little alternatives but to go back to a life of crime.
I actually think training and new-deal type employment guarantees for those in poverty is a good idea aside from the whole prison thing—in that attempts to raise people from poverty would likely reduce crime to begin with.
The real issue here—running a prison being a profit-making business—has already been pointed out.
If giving them money goes along with putting them in prison for a substantial term, then I’m not sure there are severe bad incentives here. In any case, what bortels mostly has in mind is indirect financial incentives: trying to ensure that ex-convicts are able to get decent jobs. (Which should go along with trying to ensure that other people are able to get decent jobs, too.)
Exactly. Having a guaranteed low-but-livable-income job as a reward for serving time and not going back is hardly a career path people will aim for—but might be attractive to someone who is out but sees little alternatives but to go back to a life of crime.
I actually think training and new-deal type employment guarantees for those in poverty is a good idea aside from the whole prison thing—in that attempts to raise people from poverty would likely reduce crime to begin with.
The real issue here—running a prison being a profit-making business—has already been pointed out.