I think a better first step for you would be to find fora on the web where similarly text-driven religious beliefs are espoused, discussed, supported, and apologized for. Beliefs of fundamentalist jews, fundamentalist christians, fundamentalist muslims, fundamental atheists. (I’m not sure if there are any non-judaeo-christian examples of this happening) I think you then need to determine whether any or some of these have equivalently excellent and miraculous bases for their beliefs, especially if they are at odds with BoM. At his point you have an increased ability to “calibrate” the meaning of your own magnificent structure around BoM. That is, if you can see your structure, and someone else’s structure that leads them to conclusions inconsistent with BoM, then you need to resolve those consistencies.
Myself, I think there is plently apparent magic in the world, that it supports christians and jews and astrologers and communists and libertarians, and yes, even singularists. To all of it I apply what I call my “Siegfried and Roy” rule. I don’t need to know how they got the tiger to appear in the empty cage suspended above the stage in order to know it is not magic. And I do need to know that whatever miraculous and verifiable knowledge they do have comes far from proving that they are a reliable source on the supernatural which can by definition I would imagine never be proved.
I think your place here is limited until the BoM seems no more special to you than the Bible or the teachings of the Dalai Lama or Kants critique of pure reason or Penn & Teller’s magic show.
There’s no way someone not already infected with BoM should ever devote the kind of resources to it that your proposal suggests.
I think a better first step for you would be to find fora on the web where similarly text-driven religious beliefs are espoused, discussed, supported, and apologized for. Beliefs of fundamentalist jews, fundamentalist christians, fundamentalist muslims, fundamental atheists. (I’m not sure if there are any non-judaeo-christian examples of this happening) I think you then need to determine whether any or some of these have equivalently excellent and miraculous bases for their beliefs, especially if they are at odds with BoM. At his point you have an increased ability to “calibrate” the meaning of your own magnificent structure around BoM. That is, if you can see your structure, and someone else’s structure that leads them to conclusions inconsistent with BoM, then you need to resolve those consistencies.
Myself, I think there is plently apparent magic in the world, that it supports christians and jews and astrologers and communists and libertarians, and yes, even singularists. To all of it I apply what I call my “Siegfried and Roy” rule. I don’t need to know how they got the tiger to appear in the empty cage suspended above the stage in order to know it is not magic. And I do need to know that whatever miraculous and verifiable knowledge they do have comes far from proving that they are a reliable source on the supernatural which can by definition I would imagine never be proved.
I think your place here is limited until the BoM seems no more special to you than the Bible or the teachings of the Dalai Lama or Kants critique of pure reason or Penn & Teller’s magic show.
There’s no way someone not already infected with BoM should ever devote the kind of resources to it that your proposal suggests.