SOMEBODY had to try that at some point, and I think Jenner had reasonable evidence, but I don’t think that sort of thing would fly today.
I agree it wouldn’t pass muster today, but that may just be because we aren’t facing a disease as deadly as smallpox.
There’s a good moral case for experimenting on somebody without their consent IF:
1) Doing the experiment has a high probability of getting a cure into widespread use quickly
2) Getting consent for an equivalent experiment would be difficult or time-consuming
3) The disease is prevalent and serious enough that a delay to find a consenting subject is a bigger harm than the involuntary experiment.
I agree it wouldn’t pass muster today, but that may just be because we aren’t facing a disease as deadly as smallpox.
There’s a good moral case for experimenting on somebody without their consent IF: 1) Doing the experiment has a high probability of getting a cure into widespread use quickly 2) Getting consent for an equivalent experiment would be difficult or time-consuming 3) The disease is prevalent and serious enough that a delay to find a consenting subject is a bigger harm than the involuntary experiment.