Suppose you were given two options, and told that whatever money results would be given to an EA charity. Would you find it difficult to choose a 1% shot at $1000 over a sure $5? What if you were told that there are a thousand people being given the same choice? What if you’re not told how the gamble turns out? What if all the gambles are put in a pool, and you’re told only how many worked out, not whether yours did?
Suppose you were given two options, and told that whatever money results would be given to an EA charity. Would you find it difficult to choose a 1% shot at $1000 over a sure $5? What if you were told that there are a thousand people being given the same choice? What if you’re not told how the gamble turns out? What if all the gambles are put in a pool, and you’re told only how many worked out, not whether yours did?