The physical taste of the apple (certain taste receptors activating neurons to the brain) and maybe the memory of the feeling of hunger when you’ve eaten apples
I do know how an apple tastes to me. But I don’t know which neurones fire when I taste one. If it’s really neurones firing, it still doesn’t seem to be. There’s still an explanation needed to fill the gap between the “is” and the “seems”.
Anyway, it’s still the case that dualism and idealism don’t face a hard problem, but they can assert that qualia are just exactly what they seem to be.
I am reporting, not asserting. I report that I have no experience of neural firings as such …I would have to put my head in some kind of scanner to have that experience.
I do know how an apple tastes to me. But I don’t know which neurones fire when I taste one. If it’s really neurones firing, it still doesn’t seem to be. There’s still an explanation needed to fill the gap between the “is” and the “seems”.
Anyway, it’s still the case that dualism and idealism don’t face a hard problem, but they can assert that qualia are just exactly what they seem to be.
Asserting something doesn’t make it so, but everyone has different opinions, and that’s okay.
I am reporting, not asserting. I report that I have no experience of neural firings as such …I would have to put my head in some kind of scanner to have that experience.