Another glitch token (SmartyHeaderCode) also often appears before cryptographic hashes, e.g.
<?php /*%%SmartyHeaderCode:12503048704fd0a835ee8ac4-90054934%%*/if(!defined('SMARTY_DIR')) exit('no direct access allowed');
Further support for this theory is that a verbatim google search for these two glitch tokens does bring up hashes, suggesting that this is a common association for these specific tokens.
Another glitch token (
) also often appears before cryptographic hashes, e.g.<?php /*%%SmartyHeaderCode:12503048704fd0a835ee8ac4-90054934%%*/if(!defined('SMARTY_DIR')) exit('no direct access allowed');
Further support for this theory is that a verbatim google search for these two glitch tokens does bring up hashes, suggesting that this is a common association for these specific tokens.