GPT-J doesn’t seem to have the same kinds of ′ petertodd’ associations as GPT-3. I’ve looked at the closest token embeddings and they’re all pretty innocuous (but the closest to the ′ Leilan’ token, removing a bunch of glitch tokens that are closest to everything is ′ Metatron’, who Leilan is allied with in some Puzzle & Dragons fan fiction). It’s really frustrating that OpenAI won’t make the GPT-3 embeddings data available, as we’d be able to make a lot more progress in understanding what’s going on here if they did.
GPT-J doesn’t seem to have the same kinds of ′ petertodd’ associations as GPT-3. I’ve looked at the closest token embeddings and they’re all pretty innocuous (but the closest to the ′ Leilan’ token, removing a bunch of glitch tokens that are closest to everything is ′ Metatron’, who Leilan is allied with in some Puzzle & Dragons fan fiction). It’s really frustrating that OpenAI won’t make the GPT-3 embeddings data available, as we’d be able to make a lot more progress in understanding what’s going on here if they did.