[ATTN: The dojo roster is has all free slots starting from next month, if you would like to present at a future Dojo or suggest a topic, please fill it in on the Rationality Dojo Roster: http://is.gd/dojoroster]
The Less Wrong Sunday Rationality Dojos are crafted to be serious self-improvement sessions for those committed to the Art of Rationality and personal growth. Each month a community member will run a session involving a presentation of content, discussion, and exercises.
Continuing the succession of immensely successful dojos, James will run a session on disagreement. How can two epistemic peers, equally knowledgeable and equally competent, ever feel certain about their view when their peer disagrees?
As always, we will review the personal goals we committed to at the previous Dojo (I will have done X by the next Dojo). Scott Fowler recorded the commitments, if you didn’t make it but would like to add your own goal to the records, send him a message (shokwave.sf@gmail.com).
The Dojo is likely to run for 2-3 hours, after which some people will get dinner together.
If you have any trouble finding the venue or getting in, call me on 0425-855-124.
Meetup : July Rationality Dojo: Disagreement
Discussion article for the meetup : July Rationality Dojo: Disagreement
WHEN: 06 July 2014 03:00:00PM (+1000)
WHERE: 491 King Street, West Melbourne
[ATTN: The dojo roster is has all free slots starting from next month, if you would like to present at a future Dojo or suggest a topic, please fill it in on the Rationality Dojo Roster: http://is.gd/dojoroster]
The Less Wrong Sunday Rationality Dojos are crafted to be serious self-improvement sessions for those committed to the Art of Rationality and personal growth. Each month a community member will run a session involving a presentation of content, discussion, and exercises.
Continuing the succession of immensely successful dojos, James will run a session on disagreement. How can two epistemic peers, equally knowledgeable and equally competent, ever feel certain about their view when their peer disagrees?
As always, we will review the personal goals we committed to at the previous Dojo (I will have done X by the next Dojo). Scott Fowler recorded the commitments, if you didn’t make it but would like to add your own goal to the records, send him a message (shokwave.sf@gmail.com).
The Dojo is likely to run for 2-3 hours, after which some people will get dinner together.
If you have any trouble finding the venue or getting in, call me on 0425-855-124.
Discussion article for the meetup : July Rationality Dojo: Disagreement