Not worse than Sauron, no, but certainly culpable for a lot. For example, they refused to share their knowledge with humans or even with the part-elven Numenoreans Aragorn is descended from—and it was that refusal that got the Numenoreans listening to Sauron in the first place. Of course, the gods are on the elven side, which is even worse, though I fail to see how it absolves the elves.
Not worse than Sauron, no, but certainly culpable for a lot. For example, they refused to share their knowledge with humans or even with the part-elven Numenoreans Aragorn is descended from—and it was that refusal that got the Numenoreans listening to Sauron in the first place. Of course, the gods are on the elven side, which is even worse, though I fail to see how it absolves the elves.