Gwern, why do you categorise genetics under everything is heritable while other topics are given traditional names? By the way, thanks for your consistent and interesting contributions to media threads. Can you tell us a bit about your information diet? Any particular news sites or hubs your frequent?
Gwern, why do you categorise genetics under everything is heritable while other topics are given traditional names?
That’s not quite right. I categorise genetics research under biology/psychology. What goes under ‘everything is heritable’ is specifically, behavioral genetics and all research undermining the default blank-slate, standard-social-model, cultural-marxist views which are still so overwhelmingly dominant in sociology, anthropology, psychology, and politics. By pulling them out like that, I help highlight that there is a large, old, well-developed, repeatedly empirically confirmed, consistent body of theory & results which is continually growing and confirming the genetic underpinnings and which gives us strong predictions & priors about many phenomenon—rather than some ad hoc, unprincipled, idiosyncratic one-offs & anomalies which apply to only a handful of things, if even that.
Any particular news sites or hubs your frequent?
Reddit, Hacker News, my RSS feeds, following citations in papers, that sort of thing.
Gwern, why do you categorise genetics under everything is heritable while other topics are given traditional names? By the way, thanks for your consistent and interesting contributions to media threads. Can you tell us a bit about your information diet? Any particular news sites or hubs your frequent?
That’s not quite right. I categorise genetics research under biology/psychology. What goes under ‘everything is heritable’ is specifically, behavioral genetics and all research undermining the default blank-slate, standard-social-model, cultural-marxist views which are still so overwhelmingly dominant in sociology, anthropology, psychology, and politics. By pulling them out like that, I help highlight that there is a large, old, well-developed, repeatedly empirically confirmed, consistent body of theory & results which is continually growing and confirming the genetic underpinnings and which gives us strong predictions & priors about many phenomenon—rather than some ad hoc, unprincipled, idiosyncratic one-offs & anomalies which apply to only a handful of things, if even that.
Reddit, Hacker News, my RSS feeds, following citations in papers, that sort of thing.