Other questions I wish I (or people advocating for any policy w.r.t. AGI) had answers to include (i.a.) “How could I/we/anyone ensure that the resulting AGI project actually benefits everyone? Who, in actual concrete practice, would end up effectively having control over the AGI? How could (e.g.) the public hold those people accountable, even as those people gain unassailable power? How do we ensure that those people are not malevolent to begin with, and also don’t become corrupted by power? What kinds of oversight mechanisms could be built, and how?”
I notice that I have almost no concrete model of what that sentence means. A couple of salient questions[1] I’d be very curious to hear answers to:
What concrete ways exist for affecting when (and how) nationalization is done? (How, concretely, does one “push” for/against nationalization of AGI?)
By what concrete causal mechanism could pushing for nationalization confer a modicum of control; and control over what exactly, and to whom?
Other questions I wish I (or people advocating for any policy w.r.t. AGI) had answers to include (i.a.) “How could I/we/anyone ensure that the resulting AGI project actually benefits everyone? Who, in actual concrete practice, would end up effectively having control over the AGI? How could (e.g.) the public hold those people accountable, even as those people gain unassailable power? How do we ensure that those people are not malevolent to begin with, and also don’t become corrupted by power? What kinds of oversight mechanisms could be built, and how?”