Tangential instrumental value: They challenged, directly, indirectly, or by sideways questioning, beliefs that I already held and had not taken the chance to update since long before my arrival to LessWrong. eridu was thus a very convenient poster for me to cover this and surrounding topics and manually propagate updates throughout my mental model(s).
Short of arguing against someone who has a dragon in their garage, I don’t see what could help me update my beliefs more quickly without massive confirmation bias and heuristic errors.
Tangential instrumental value: They challenged, directly, indirectly, or by sideways questioning, beliefs that I already held and had not taken the chance to update since long before my arrival to LessWrong. eridu was thus a very convenient poster for me to cover this and surrounding topics and manually propagate updates throughout my mental model(s).
Short of arguing against someone who has a dragon in their garage, I don’t see what could help me update my beliefs more quickly without massive confirmation bias and heuristic errors.
Can you give a few examples of these updates?