And thus, another school that could have implemented effective SRS (probably) won’t (I’m assuming, with you there to advocate for it, near-universal adoption is inevitable, but without an advocate, nobody will undergo the trivial inconvenience of doing something new, especially when they don’t fully understand the cognitive psychology behind it). I’m reminded of Teaching Linear Algebra, where someone applies cognitive psychology to teaching, is hugely successful, and promptly never teaches again because a better opportunity came along.
I think you may overestimate my odds in both domains, but the sentiment is appreciated.
That was an interesting link you posted. I read it with much affirmative nodding, and only the occasional impulse to make a snarky remark about the cute little sample size :)
And thus, another school that could have implemented effective SRS (probably) won’t (I’m assuming, with you there to advocate for it, near-universal adoption is inevitable, but without an advocate, nobody will undergo the trivial inconvenience of doing something new, especially when they don’t fully understand the cognitive psychology behind it). I’m reminded of Teaching Linear Algebra, where someone applies cognitive psychology to teaching, is hugely successful, and promptly never teaches again because a better opportunity came along.
That said, best of luck!
I think you may overestimate my odds in both domains, but the sentiment is appreciated.
That was an interesting link you posted. I read it with much affirmative nodding, and only the occasional impulse to make a snarky remark about the cute little sample size :)