I care. I certainly care about attracting half of humanity to rationality groups more than I’d care about attracting that subset of males that would be significantly distracted in mixed-gender company.
Besides, as a practical matter what I envision is occasional meetings where girls are excluded. I think it would also make sense to have girl-only meetings.
At the start of this discussion you used the term “men-only”. But in contrast you’re consistently using the term “girl” to refer to a member of the opposite gender.
The corresponding term to “men” and “men-only” is “women” and “women-only”. If you’d used “male”, the corresponding term would be “female”. Only if you had used “boy” or “guy” could the corresponding term be “girl”.
Take care of the connotations of your word choices, especially given the content of your suggestions.
I care. I certainly care about attracting half of humanity to rationality groups more than I’d care about attracting that subset of males that would be significantly distracted in mixed-gender company
If that’s your preference, then I can’t really argue with it. In my opinion, people are too concerned about attracting girls (or women if you prefer) to meetings.
In my opinion, people are too concerned about attracting girls (or women if you prefer) to meetings.
Downvoted for failure to either correct or justify the insulting connotations of your word-choices.
Why do you think that I should care more about attracting easily distracted boys to meetings, than I should care about attracting adult female rationalists to such? To make it more specific, why would I choose to discuss with you, if that meant I had to trade away the capacity to discuss with Alicorn or AnnaSalamon or NancyLebovitz?
Frankly I think that your attitude would be much more distracting to me than the presence of boobs would be.
Why do you think that I should care more about attracting easily distracted boys to meetings, than I should care about attracting adult female rationalists to such
It’s just a matter of who you prefer. Anyway, I’m not going to get sidetracked in a debate over “girl” versus “woman.” If you prefer to say “boy,” I can’t control your use of language.
I care. I certainly care about attracting half of humanity to rationality groups more than I’d care about attracting that subset of males that would be significantly distracted in mixed-gender company.
At the start of this discussion you used the term “men-only”. But in contrast you’re consistently using the term “girl” to refer to a member of the opposite gender.
The corresponding term to “men” and “men-only” is “women” and “women-only”. If you’d used “male”, the corresponding term would be “female”. Only if you had used “boy” or “guy” could the corresponding term be “girl”.
Take care of the connotations of your word choices, especially given the content of your suggestions.
If that’s your preference, then I can’t really argue with it. In my opinion, people are too concerned about attracting girls (or women if you prefer) to meetings.
Downvoted for failure to either correct or justify the insulting connotations of your word-choices.
Why do you think that I should care more about attracting easily distracted boys to meetings, than I should care about attracting adult female rationalists to such? To make it more specific, why would I choose to discuss with you, if that meant I had to trade away the capacity to discuss with Alicorn or AnnaSalamon or NancyLebovitz?
Frankly I think that your attitude would be much more distracting to me than the presence of boobs would be.
I wish I could say the same about myself! That is admirable.
It’s just a matter of who you prefer. Anyway, I’m not going to get sidetracked in a debate over “girl” versus “woman.” If you prefer to say “boy,” I can’t control your use of language.
I do NOT so prefer it. My point is that words with bad connotations distract too, unless one fully intends said bad connotations.
Why did you engage in that type of distraction, a distraction you could easily remove without any negative repercussions I can think of?