I agree it’s annoying and probably a problem, but I think there’s still less groupthink than on most forums I’ve seen. I do agree that it can definitely be frustrating; I have a post I want to write up on the value of starting things sooner rather than later, and I was all set to start typing it up back when I had 19 karma (you need 20 to make a full post), but then I started posting in this thread, and my karma score drifted back down to a single digit. It’s doubly frustrating because I can’t tell if people legitimately think my posts there are without merit or if they’re just using it as an agree/disagree button. If they do think my posts are terrible no one has said as such.
I was all set to start typing it up back when I had 19 karma (you need 20 to make a full post), but then I started posting in this thread, and my karma score drifted back down to a single digit.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc? Looks like you actually came out ahead from that thread, karma-wise.
In fact, I think that thread illustrates LW’s typical reaction to someone with an outlying opinion: initial rejection when it’s poorly put, followed by upvotes when it’s cogently fleshed out & defended. Looks OK to me.
I agree it’s annoying and probably a problem, but I think there’s still less groupthink than on most forums I’ve seen. I do agree that it can definitely be frustrating; I have a post I want to write up on the value of starting things sooner rather than later, and I was all set to start typing it up back when I had 19 karma (you need 20 to make a full post), but then I started posting in this thread, and my karma score drifted back down to a single digit. It’s doubly frustrating because I can’t tell if people legitimately think my posts there are without merit or if they’re just using it as an agree/disagree button. If they do think my posts are terrible no one has said as such.
This is the wrong metric to apply.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc? Looks like you actually came out ahead from that thread, karma-wise.
In fact, I think that thread illustrates LW’s typical reaction to someone with an outlying opinion: initial rejection when it’s poorly put, followed by upvotes when it’s cogently fleshed out & defended. Looks OK to me.