On the topic of universalizing… I wonder if it would be more or less “good” if you pointed a CEV solely at the human species, versus if you additionally asked it to consider other semi-smart lifeforms, but only if the result didn’t substantially cramp human CEV. Ought a FAI to violate the cuttlefish norm “things not intended to express territorial anger should not have black and white stripes” where nothing is lost by following it?
Do you think a human+CEV would do that sort of thing anyway, based on reading “universalizing ” and “consideration for others” as values?
Or would that be a dangerous approach? Ought it to be strictly bounded to human CEV? I am not good enough at playing “out-guess the genie” to decide.
On the topic of universalizing… I wonder if it would be more or less “good” if you pointed a CEV solely at the human species, versus if you additionally asked it to consider other semi-smart lifeforms, but only if the result didn’t substantially cramp human CEV. Ought a FAI to violate the cuttlefish norm “things not intended to express territorial anger should not have black and white stripes” where nothing is lost by following it?
Do you think a human+CEV would do that sort of thing anyway, based on reading “universalizing ” and “consideration for others” as values?
Or would that be a dangerous approach? Ought it to be strictly bounded to human CEV? I am not good enough at playing “out-guess the genie” to decide.