At which time all bets are off with regards to whenever it would even compete for resources. A lot of stuff of this kind can happen, e.g. discovering that we are in simulation.
The bottom line is, now that we established limitations, the AI risks better be prefaced with “If AI develops awesome quantum computing, but it still needs atoms from your body, the following theoretizations about godlike AIs might apply:”.
Furthermore, as the AI has to start off with the low hanging fruit—optimizing itself on commodity hardware—the argumentation is not about random points in the awesome quantum mind design space, but our original classical AI’s creations, subject to original AI getting perfectly ordinary cold feet about the transition due to wide variety of heuristics that scream ‘no, that change is too big and unpredictable’, and the AI trying to preserve itself through the transition.
At which time all bets are off with regards to whenever it would even compete for resources. A lot of stuff of this kind can happen, e.g. discovering that we are in simulation.
The bottom line is, now that we established limitations, the AI risks better be prefaced with “If AI develops awesome quantum computing, but it still needs atoms from your body, the following theoretizations about godlike AIs might apply:”.
Furthermore, as the AI has to start off with the low hanging fruit—optimizing itself on commodity hardware—the argumentation is not about random points in the awesome quantum mind design space, but our original classical AI’s creations, subject to original AI getting perfectly ordinary cold feet about the transition due to wide variety of heuristics that scream ‘no, that change is too big and unpredictable’, and the AI trying to preserve itself through the transition.